Application for Pressure Equipment Inspector's Certification

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Please note that it takes up to 2 weeks for a certificate to be issued once all requirements are submitted. Please include with application:
  • verification of Commission issued by the NBBI within the last 5 years, or;
  • verification of a valid API 510, or;
  • verification of passing Commission exam from the NBBI within the last 5 years.
Full Name:



Birth Date

Technical Credit(s)
To be eligible to obtain certification a person must possess at least five credits for his or her technical qualifications and work experience which can be determined with the lists below.

(Provide a resume detailing your work experience as well as all qualifications and certificates to be included with this application which can be uploaded below)

Credits for technical qualifications are assigned as follows:

One credit is assigned for each year of work experience related to boilers, pressure vessels and pressure piping systems in the following activities below:
Credits for work experience are assigned as follows (one credit for each year in field):

If you have difficulty uploading your documents, please email them to

To the best of my knowledge, this application is accurate. I understand that a false or misleading statement in this application or in any of the reference or other evidence or qualification submitted by myself or on my behalf may result in the Chief Inspector denying this application.


Total Amount: $110.25

Payment Method
Credit Card Information

Billing Information