Application for Out of Province Welder's Licence

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Please ensure this form is complete and correct, prior to submission with the applicable fee ($173.00/licence). Applications will be processed the business day following receipt of payment.
Welder's Information
Full Name

Mailing Address


Licence Information

Please attach a legible copy of both sides of your valid Certificate or Welder's Qualification Record (WQR). Restricted Certificates or WQR's are not eligible for transfer. (See information paper 2007-11-001 for details or further information)
If you have difficulty uploading your documents, please email them to
Company Information
If this application is being submitted and paid for by an employer on behalf of the welder, please fill out the company information below. Licences will be mailed to the company.

Address (weld licence to be mailed to)

Contact Person Name


To the best of my knowledge, this application and all supporting documents are accurate. I understand that a false or misleading statement in this application or in any of the reference or other evidence or qualification submitted by myself or on my behalf may result in the Chief Inspector denying this application.

Payment Information

Total Amount: $173.00

Payment Method
Credit Card Information

Billing Information